Terms of Service

Terms of Service for NAEGLE and NAEGLE MUSIC, a Live EDM, J-Pop, and K-Pop Producer

Thank you for choosing our talent and services! By engaging with us, you agree to the following terms:

  1. Music Production Services:

    • We provide music production services to our own projects but also in some partnerships with other Artists, including creating master recordings, mixing, and collaborating on sound recordings.
    • Our goal is to deliver high-quality tracks suitable for CD, digital platforms, retail physical projects for retail outlet stores and streaming services.

  2. Ownership and Rights:

    • Naegle Music and Naegle retains 100% sole rights to its own sole projects and retain ownership of agreed upon details of ownership for collaborative or partnership projects with artistic content (lyrics, melodies, vocals, recordings, visual digital content, video and film content).
    • We retain rights to the produced masters for the purpose of our collaboration.

  3. Payment and Delivery:

    • Payment terms will be agreed upon before starting any project.
    • Upon completion, we’ll deliver master recordings in the format you prefer (CDs, WAV files, etc.). Naegle and Naegle Music require a flat fee and commissions per specific agreements when due and necessary prior to start of any projects. 

  4. Geographic Reach:

    • Our services cater to artists in Japan and across Asia.
    • We’re committed to supporting your musical journey.